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- ╞volution
- `Defin╞tive' cassette album
- Music composed and produced
- by Ian Chisholm and Marcus Donachie
- Produced on an Amiga 1200 and OctaMED
- Reviewed by Kevan R.Craft
- ╞volution
- `Defin╞tive' cassette album
- Side One Side Two
- 1.Solitaire..............5:42 9.Anthem.....................3:54
- 2.Hallow.................5:11 10.Caught Up..................5:03
- 3.Kingdon................6:00 11.The Awooga Waltz...........4:21
- 4.Freeway................5:44 12.Deveraux...................5:23
- 5.Company................4:04 13.Induced Trance.............4:47
- 6.Evolution..............5:40 14.Fantasised.................5:00
- 7.Cabani - Extended mix..6:48 15.Callisto - The Europa Mix..6:41
- 8.Day....................5:43 16.Delemaine..................4:25
- 17.Too Much...................5:23
- ╞volution consists of two Amiga/OctaMED composer/musicians based in
- Norfolk in the UK.. Some Amiga musicians may be familiar with
- ╞volution's music through their involvement with the MED USERS GROUP
- (MUG).. Those more astute of you may be aware that ╞volution was one
- of the Amiga groups chosen to appear on the ii-fated Amiga Experiment
- CD, which unfortunately didn't emerge, buts that's another story!
- Despite the set back with the Amiga Experiment, ╞volution have
- continued to write and record their music using the Amiga and OctaMED
- and with a recent release of their debut cassette album `Defin╞tive',
- a 90 minute, 17 tracks tape, things are starting to sound good!
- All the tracks featured on 'Defin╞tive' are written in the Dance genre
- but what sets ╞volution's music apart from most, is the clever rhythm
- structures, superb arrangements and careful juxtapositioning of both
- sample and synth instruments within each score..
- Side One
- Solitaire 5:42
- `Solitaire' begins with a series of gun shot sample sounds and a synth
- piano rhythm which opens with some clever sampled voices.. The
- regular "Dance" drum structure, containing interesting hi hats, bass
- drum and snare patterns works well with the intermittent synth
- instruments and create a temporary relief from the main rhythmic
- structure..
- `Solitaire' possesses a fine melody line which hooks to the bass line
- and overall theme very well.. Overall, a great choice as an opening
- track for the cassette album..
- Hallow 5:11
- With a more cautious introduction coupled with a staccato synth
- keyboard, we are presented with a more up-tempo bass and drum beat
- style which is obviously intended to bring people to the dance floor!
- Again, Hallow contains a particular theme within the scheme of things
- but cleverly deviates, occasionally with hand claps and bold synths
- providing temporary relief, then before you know it we return to the
- hypnotic, pulsing "Dance" rhythms which sweep you off your feet
- again..
- Hallow's structure is one of a tight melody and drum beat coupled with
- a series of counterpoint sequenced melodies which are excellent and
- contribute to a wonderful sounding track here..
- Kingdom 6:00
- Beginning in a "regal" tradition, `Kingdom' opens with some pulsing
- synths and strings providing a backdrop for a brass section to enter
- the fray.. With a swift sweeping glide, the music enters into a
- stomping drumming structure which occasionally provide the various
- spaces in which the carefully chosen instruments weave their magic
- spell..
- A recognisable trademark of ╞volution, is the break away from the
- regular beat, which creates spaces or temporary pauses where
- additional musical passages are invoked only to slowly build to a
- fever pitch and the return of the bass synths and drumming with the
- additional catchy arpeggio synths all combining to produce one hell of
- a hot number here!
- Freeway 5:44
- Employing a more direct approach, `Freeway' is a driving score
- containing pulsating bass and drum rhythms with a memorable melody
- line which slow and speed up with alarming regularity. Occasionally
- `Freeway' is embellished with intermittent subtle arrangements. The
- great use of rapid, interwoven sequences within this peice work really
- well signifying a sense of speed and urgency and one for the foot
- tappers!!
- Company 4:04
- This track opens with a big, fat, chunky synth bass line and some
- wonderful sounding drum samples that soar into a blistering number
- which really rocks!!
- The catchy Pan Pipes/flute instruments sequence, coupled with a synth
- trumpet melody line really pull you into this one! Only when the
- music pauses fro breath are we reminded of the excellent sounding
- synth bass line and then we're suddenly off again back into the main
- beat but this time, with an expanded version of the main theme - the
- pan pipes sequence and trumpet all interwoven with real skill..
- Overall, the assured sense of composition and arrangement, coupled
- with an excellent bass line and stomping drum patterns make this a
- brilliantly composed peice of music..
- Evolution 5:40
- Taking a variation on the band's name as the title for this track,
- `Evolution' opens with a series of thunder sample sounds which lead to
- a catchy hi hat pattern and drumming.. The structure is embellished
- with a deep bending synth bass sound and some nice intermittent
- touches of percussion, occasionally breaking away with a siren
- sounding string section and excellent break beat passages where that
- cool synth bass pulses on just the right beat..
- Then we're presented with a high pitched vocal sample sound which
- weaves in and out of the score.. An excellent track with just the
- right blend of instruments and catchy drum beat - nice one!
- Cabani - Extended Mix 6:48
- With the initial use of amazing conga drum rhythms, `Cabani' keeps
- building up until it reaches fever pitch and leads to a full-all-out-
- assualt on the senses.. The counter melody, which works well with the
- solid drumming, provides the springboard for further counterpoints
- between sweeping strings and synth instrumentation then suddenly this
- peice really takes off! We eventually return to the excellent congas
- established at the beginning giving the impression we've travelled
- "full circle".. This track is a full blown masterpeice! If `Cabani'
- doesn't get people onto the Dance floor with this one then I don't
- know what will..
- Day 5:43
- ╞volution, again employ a series of sample "Sound FX" creating a
- mental image as an introduction to their "Dance synth" musical
- narratives.. A catchy synth bass and drumming structure (as always)
- grab the attention, so much so, that "classic" would be a phrase I'm
- tempted to use here! Not only have ╞volution been successful in
- creating a great track here, in addition, they delay the effect of
- building up to a continuous beat until they have grabbed your
- attention and then like an old friend we are returned to a hypnotising
- beat!
- Because the beat structure is more simple but direct, and makes this
- accessible, its for these reasons that `Day' is so successful a track
- with its rhythmic honesty and approach.
- Side Two
- Anthem 3:54
- Probably the most assured peice on the `Defin╞tive' album which
- contains quite a remarkable series of arrangements within arrangements
- that all intertwine within a magical air of piano melody, strings,
- steel drums, counter melody, trumpet, choral voices, bass and drums..
- The depth of emotion communicated from `Anthem' is a velvet tapestry
- of sound, and just the right choice of instruments cleverly
- juxtaposed, in such a way, that sounds like a celebration and this
- exudes "classic" status and one which could contribute to being a HIT
- recording! This is my favourite track on the whole album - amazing!!
- Caught Up 5:03
- Opening with a military style snare drum and accompanying hand claps,
- `Caught Up' then bursts into a series of subsections each possessing a
- unique identity of interwoven instruments and drumming structures much
- like a medley.
- The clever use of the Three chord progression, coupled with the
- occasional vocal sample sound further embellishes this catchy Dance
- track..
- The Awooga Waltz 4:21
- One of the interesting aspects of `The Awooga Waltz' is the assured
- use of counter rhythms (again ╞volutions trademark) between synth
- bass, drums and percussion montaged with a series of excellent synth
- instruments and break beat vocal samples..
- Although not the same kind of track as the earlier `Anthem', `The
- Awooga Waltz' does communicate an Anthem call for the Dance genre!
- This track therefore could be considered a montage of musical
- similarities produced with confident style..
- Deveraux 5:23
- If ever there was a track on `Defin╞tive' which would be a contender
- for a place in the Dance Charts then 'Deveraux' would be a fine
- example! This peice contains all the elements of the three chord
- progression structure, intermittent blistering synth instruments and a
- catchy drum track! Hard Core stuff this one!
- Induced Trance 4:47
- Opening with a slower tempo and harmonic chord sequence, `Induced
- Trance' lives up to its title by bursting out at the seams into a
- fully-blown Dance Track! All this with spacy laser synths, police
- sirens and other unusual sample sounds combine to produce a tour-de-
- force of the senses!
- Fantasised 5:00
- Again, opting for a slower-tempo, `Fantasised' emerges as a fine
- musical composition with a careful choice of instrumentation, subtle
- use of arrangement and possesses a good hook-line in the melody
- together with a haunting counterpoint sequence..
- Callisto - The Europa Mix 6:41
- Another track which combines a series of counter rhythms in drums and
- percussion is `Callisto'.. This track possesses a brilliant drum and
- percussion sequence in which a series of synth instruments layer upon
- each other producing a landscape of sound for the wandering sweet
- melody and the interweaving sequences.. Again, in the Dance
- tradition, `Callisto' is an assured track, possessing clear
- instrumentation and great drums!
- Delemaine 4:25
- Occasionally, a peice of music just grabs your attention! With
- `Delamaine', this is exactly the case as you're sucked into the heart
- of a pulsing beat! Great use of a synth bass and the now familiar
- ╞volution drumming, together with intermittent instrumentation in the
- score.. All these things go to make a great track!
- Too Much 5:23
- Taking a basic bass line and melody, ╞volution has reworked a disco
- type theme but have integrated this into the dance formula resulting
- in a blinder of a final track on the `Defin╞tive' album called `Too
- Much'..
- `Too Much' is a very catchy number containing a great drum beat and
- memorable melody hook line which plays on your senses and a good
- choice as the final track to end the album on a high note!
- ╞volution have successfully produced a great cassette album in
- `Defin╞tive' using an Amiga 1200 and OctaMED which displays
- originality and a mature sense of composition and arrangement skills..
- Their musical style, in the "Dance" genre, is well assured and
- displays a professional edge.. When these guys make the transition to
- MIDI synths and digital recording then record companies A & R persons
- will be clambering to sign them up because they're that good!
- (c) Kevan R.Craft 1995
- craftbro@midicraft.demon.co.uk
- WWW Home Page: http://www.midicraft.demon.co.uk/~craftbro